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溃屈型破坏是一种常见的顺层岩质边坡破坏模式,溃屈变形发展机制及失稳破坏的定量研究对滑坡工程勘查和防治指导十分重要。本文根据边坡的地质环境和力学作用机制,建立了三维受压板简化模型,其能够考虑岩层自身重力、地震力、静水压力的共同作用和岩体材料塑性变形的影响。基于弹塑性受压板稳定理论,利用能量法推导得到了边坡溃屈变形破坏的临界方程。对于溃屈型边坡的结构失稳和滑动失稳分别提出了相应的稳定性判定方法,并针对不同状态的边坡提出了相应的防治措施建议。以四川省甘孜藏族自治州巴塘县下归哇边坡为例,对所提判定方法的正确性进行了验证。计算结果表明,边坡的临界溃屈长度(a1)为483.8 m,说明下归哇边坡能够发生溃屈变形;现场勘查得知边坡实际溃屈长度(a′)为530.0 m,a′>a1,可知边坡是稳定的。这与实际情况相吻合,由此证明本文所提出的判定方法可行。  相似文献   
构造-沉积分异是地球表层的常见地质现象,发生于沉积盆地、造山带与克拉通等岩石圈构造单元,表现为岩石圈的深、中、浅层始终发生着沉积物、流体、能量与力的交换与分异过程。文中从物质组成、时空分布与力学机制等方面阐述构造-沉积分异的基本特征,并以中国沉积盆地为例进行分析。作者首先将构造-沉积分异定义为“由构造应力、热力、重力、地幔动力等因素引起地表地形差异,从而导致沉积物源、搬运体系与沉积作用变化的过程”;认为构造-沉积分异发生在不同尺度的洋-陆系统、盆-山系统、隆-坳系统、凸-凹系统与高-低地貌系统,受基底结构、强度与活动性的明显控制,构造应力、重力、热力、地幔动力等控制了该分异机制; 强调随时间演变出现构造-沉积分异演化旋回,表现为伸展期裂陷向聚敛期隆坳转变,碳酸盐岩分异台地向统一台地转变。上述控制因素与机制在时空上可以发生复合,导致多类构造-沉积分异作用出现。研究构造-沉积分异作用,可以为重建地球历史、加快矿产资源勘查和改善人类宜居环境做出贡献。  相似文献   
特高位远程危岩崩塌具有突发性强、速度快、势能大、摧毁力强、冲击性大、影响范围广等特征. 滇东北地区镇雄县5处危岩位于乌峰山南缘斜坡地带, 地层近水平, 崩塌区地形坡度达70°以上. 崩塌区和危岩区基岩裸露面积为0.07 km2, 坡脚与坡顶高差达222 m, 危岩体平均高差159 m, 落石水平最大位移216 m, 属典型特高位远程危岩群. 采用定性和定量方法, 结合内外部条件, 综合分析危岩的10项基本影响因子, 评价其稳定性. 5处危岩在不同工况下稳定性差, 破坏模式为倾倒式, 高速远程动力崩塌易产生碎屑流, 呈散态扇形高速冲击流动, 裸露区面积大, 生态环境脆弱, 亟待治理.  相似文献   
Natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are a new type of clean energy with great development potential. However, it is urgent to achieve safe and economical NGHs development and utilization. This study established a physical model of the study area using the FLAC3D software based on the key parameters of the NGHs production test area in the South China Sea, including the depressurization method, and mechanical parameters of strata, NGHs occurrence characteristics, and the technological characteristics of horizontal wells. Moreover, this study explored the law of influences of the NGHs dissociation range on the stability of the overburden strata and the casing structure of a horizontal well. The results are as follows. With the dissociation of NGHs, the overburden strata of the NGHs dissociation zone subsided and formed funnel-shaped zones and then gradually stabilized. However, the upper interface of the NGHs dissociation zone showed significant redistribution and discontinuity of stress. Specifically, distinct stress concentration and corresponding large deformation occurred in the build-up section of the horizontal well, which was thus prone to suffering shear failure. Moreover, apparent end effects occurred at the end of the horizontal well section and might cause the deformation and failure of the casing structure. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures in the build-up section and at the end of the horizontal section of the horizontal well to prevent damage and ensure the wellbore safety in the long-term NGHs exploitation.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
Grain-displacing hydrate deposits exist at many marine sites, which constitute an important part of methane hydrate resources worldwide. Attributed to the difficulties in acquiring field data and synthesizing experimental samples, the formation and property characterization of grain-displacing hydrate remains less understood and characterized than the pore-filling hydrate in current literature. This study reviews the formation mechanisms of grain-displacing hydrate from the perspective of geological accumulation and microscale sedimentary property. The experimental methods of synthesizing grain-displacing hydrate in the laboratory and the current knowledge on the property of grain-displacing hydrate sediment are also introduced. Shortcomings in current theories and suggestions for future study are proposed. The work is hoped to provide valuable insights for the research into the hydrate accumulation, geophysics, and hydrate exploitation targeted at the grain-displacing hydrate in the marine sediments.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地顺北地区发育大量走滑断裂带,并对油气的运聚成藏有重要控制作用。以顺北西部地区地震资料为基础,对顺北11号走滑断裂带的几何变形特征、活动性、活动期次及其形成机制等进行了分析。顺北11号走滑断裂带整体呈NNW走向延伸,具有垂向分层性和平面分段性。断裂带北段主体为压扭和张扭交互段,中段为两条次级断层控制的拉分地堑,南段由数条分支断层构成马尾状构造。顺北11号断裂带整体活动性由北向南减弱,运动学标志显示是一条右旋走滑断层。顺北11号断裂带主要经历了晚奥陶世和晚志留世-中泥盆世两期活动,部分地区的活动持续到石炭纪。顺北11号走滑断裂带的活动性和运动学特征与塔北地区NNW走向的走滑断裂体系比较相似,而不同于塔中地区的NE向左行走滑断裂体系。顺北11号走滑断裂带的形成主要受控于塔里木盆地北部天山洋多期俯冲挤压而产生的自北向南的挤压应力,断裂自北向南扩展延伸,类似于顺北5号走滑断裂带的北段。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔北隆起发育两组呈小角度相交(40°)的透入性X型走滑断裂,分别沿着NNE走向和NNW延伸。在对塔北哈拉哈塘地区三维地震资料解释的基础上,对走滑断层的几何展布特征以及断层的剖面变形特征进行研究;同时重点解析了RP6断裂和HA13断裂,分析比较NNW向与NNE向断层的变形及发育特征差异;结合盆地重磁资料以及周缘造山带的活动特征,对塔北隆起小角度的X型走滑断层的发育机制以及演化进行了分析。研究表明,塔北隆起走滑断层在垂向上具有明显的分层变形特征,分为三个构造层:震旦系-中寒武统下构造层(TH3界面以下)、上寒武统-中奥陶统中构造层(TH3-TO3t界面)和上奥陶统-石炭系上构造层(TO3t-TP界面)。断层在下构造层和中构造层中整体处于压扭环境,多发育正花状构造;上构造层中断层主要发育负花状构造或正断层,整体处于张扭环境。两组断裂比较,NNW向断裂活动性强,在各构造层中均有显著的断裂特征发育,垂向连通性强,发育先存基底断裂,而NE向断层主要发育在中构造层,在下构造层和上构造层中断层发育不明显。活动性分析表明,断层的形成与演化具有多期性,走滑断层的形成经历了三期主要活动:中寒武世末、中晚奥陶世和志留纪-石炭纪。塔北隆起X型走滑断裂的形成受到了NNW向基底断裂和薄弱带的控制,NNW向先存基底断裂带或薄弱带优先发育走滑断裂,基底断裂与主挤压应力方向的夹角小于45°-Φ/2,NNE断层的发育受NNW向先存断裂限制,最终形成小角度相交的X型断裂。  相似文献   
在甘肃天水地区每年由降雨诱发的黄土-泥岩滑坡灾害事故很多,给当地人民生命财产造成巨大损失。为探索该类斜坡的滑动破坏过程与机理,在野外地质调查、工程地质钻探及岩土体力学测试的基础上,通过室内大型物理模型实验,研究“上部黄土+下部泥岩”二元结构类型斜坡在强降雨作用下的动态变形演化过程,揭示该类斜坡的破坏机理和破坏模式。结果表明:强降雨作用下斜坡变形破坏以滑动破坏为主,水分的作用主要表现为增加土体自重、引起土体强度降低、降低结构面的抗滑力、产生孔隙水压力及降低有效应力等几个方面,斜坡的破坏模式则主要表现为坡肩侵蚀→微裂隙产生、发展、贯通→斜坡局部滑动破坏→斜坡整体滑动破坏。研究结果对天水地区该类滑坡的早期识别有重要的参考意义,可为该类滑坡的防灾减灾提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Due to its structure,rock and mineral composition,fluid and other factors,the granite Buried Hill Reservoir is highly heterogeneous with a complex longitudinal structure and a reservoir space made up of a combination of dissolution pores and fractures.This paper is based on current understanding of tectonic evolution in the northern part of the South China Sea,in conjunction with the seismic phase characteristics.It is determined that the meshed fault system was formed by three stages of movement-tectonic compression orogeny during the Indochinese epoch,strike-slip compression-tension during the Yanshanian Period,early fracture extension activation during the Himalayan-which controlled the distribution of the Buried Hill Reservoir.Drilling revealed two types of buried hills,faulted anticline and fault horst,their longitudinal structure and the reservoir space type being significantly different.The mineral composition,reservoir space and diagenetic characteristics of the reservoir rocks and minerals were analyzed by lithogeochemistry,micro section and logging etc.,it thus being determined that the Mesozoic rocks of the Songnan Low Uplift in the Qiongdongnan Basin are mainly composed of syenogranite,granodiorite,monzogranite,which is the material basis for the development of the Buried Hill Reservoir.The content of felsic and other brittle minerals is more than 70%,making it easy for it to be transformed into fractures.At the same time,the weathering resistance of granodiorite and monzogranite is weaker than that of syenogranite,which is easily weathered and destroyed,forming a thick sand gravel weathering zone.With increasing depth of burial,weathering and dissolution gradually weaken,the deep acidic fluid improving the reservoir property of internal fractures and expanding the vertical distribution range of the reservoirs.The research results lay a foundation for the exploration of Buried Hill in the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin.  相似文献   
通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察,首次在红河断裂带内的花岗糜棱岩中发现类微生物状纳米颗粒。高分辨率平插能谱分析结果表明,该类微生物状纳米颗粒成分中的C元素平均含量约为10%,指示无机成因,并非某些菌类微生物,结合XRD分析结果表明该类纳米颗粒成分来自花岗糜棱岩的造岩矿物。通过对各种形貌特征的纳米颗粒观察、筛查和规律分析,探讨了类微生物状纳米颗粒的形成机理及构造意义,认为其形成过程可以分为岩石破裂形成球粒状纳米颗粒、球粒状纳米颗粒粘聚形成片状、片状纳米颗粒卷曲成管状以及管状纳米颗粒脱落聚集四个阶段,其中后三个阶段为纳米颗粒的后生构造变形阶段,指示红河断裂带构造环境的多期次变化。断裂带内球粒状纳米颗粒可能是在宏观构造应力场作用下的最小变形产物,其结构或变形特征蕴含丰富的宏观构造活动信息,是传统构造地质学研究方法之外的新思路和新手段。  相似文献   
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